Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Carbon Emission:

Everyone is busy calculating the carbon emission in the natural process of human being's eating, drinking, traveling and so on. Even the innocent cows are not left alone. Suddenly, the cow's generous feeding to us since our existence is forgotten but how much carbon is emitted by her through her digestive system has become more important. And very soon, their existance may also be threatened by our super intelligent and suicidal generation :-)

No one has bothered to publish how much Carbon is emitted by the War Machines used by Human beings in killing each other. Carbon footprints of massive troupes and their deployment, burning and decaying corpses and the burning hearts of the bereaved ones....

Can the equation, instead of the mathematical one be not computed in Ethical terms of our Greed, Ambition, Hatred etc.? and how much longer we can survive by overcoming them against merely based on the Carbon Emission?


Unknown said...

the green earth summit is a political eyewash, the developed countries easily blame the developing countries for the rise of climatic upheavals...

all the emmission emited during the development stage is all forgotton, and now they have a new term to stop or snuffle development from happening...

on a personal level though, everyone needs to be cautious not to make a waste of the resources nature has provided for...

Inner Vision said...

I wonder if it is possible to penalize polluters, reduce harmful emissions and raise revenues.