Saturday, July 5, 2008

Terror of War on Terror

According to Anti War website (, since the Iraq war, 4113 American soldiers have died and 30333 have been wounded in combat. These are the official figures. The estimated figures of wounded are much higher around 100,000.

Besides, the great self proclaimed advocate of Peace and Liberation, Mr. George Bush have liberated 1,225,898 Iraqis by killing them in the so called war on terror.

Billions of dollars of US tax payers not counted.

Soldiers from other countries killed are not included.

Resultant effect on Global economy not owned up by Bush, but severely felt by every citizen of the under developed countries.

I don't support terrorism in any form nor I like to glorify their shameful act. But the Mind rolls..... by now the real terrorists must have definitely developed a great inferiority complex in comparison to Bush, in inflicting the greatest pain and suffering on innocent people across the World.

Mind prays, may this X'mas brings real Peace and Happiness to the Mankind.


Anonymous said...

According to me Bush is the biggest terrorist of 21st.century. I totally agree.

Umayanan said...

Trust you had pointed out what is already evident... its insane what has been done.

Even the Americans I interact with everyday (one a Iraq war veteran) says that they cant figure out why they are paying 4$ a gallon for petrol even when they have occupied Iraq.

Guess, no one but Bush and his associates are getting rich & he is blaming it on us & Chinese for rising food prices